The €125 Crazy Pineapple just kicked off with a starting field of 11 players. As we already mentioned both Eva "chic" Jiretorn and Andreas "Wiseguy" Hoglund are in the field alongside ACR Stormer Scott "Pokerbrahs" Kenyon.
A pair of Adams are in the field in Marc Adams and Matthew Adams. We had to check if there was any relation.
"We aren't related, but do know each other," said Matthew Adams.
"You aren't related as far as you know," Jiretorn added which provided laughter to the entire table.
Anders Beckman, Charalampos Chalkiotis, Erik Scherman, Iordanis Skarlis, Martin Steen, and Karyna Strizhakova are also battling it out in hopes of winning an event on the opening day.
If you aren't familiar with Crazy Pineapple, it is easy to learn provided you already know hold'em. The only difference is that instead of two cards, players are initially dealt three cards before they dump one of their cards if they are still in the hand after the flop.
Best of luck to all of the "crazy" players! This could go to the wee hours of the morning, so we will likely update the winner of this event in the morning.