There are just 58 entries logged on the Day 1b board so far, but don't be fooled - it was more or less the same here yesterday at this ungodly time, before the numbers swelled to 134 by the end of Level 12. Among the players who won the battle against their hangovers and made it here roughly on time are circuit stalwart Johan Goslings and last night's Hendon Mob Warm Up runner up Simon Wilson. Also just spotted in the tournament area, although not yet seated at a table: the reigning Festival in Bratislava champion and all-round legend, Martin Mauthner (pictured above).
Meanwhile we apologise that for the next few hours at least we'll be recycling yesterday's photos, or attempting our own on an iPhone - our photographer Mairo is among the busload of people who've headed off to the pool tournament somewhere across town. We'll be bringing you a lot of photos of people playing pool in the fullness of time.