
Kings Cup Finals at 9pm!

The Game Zone within the Poker Arena is a netted off area at the back of the room where players can relax and play a variety of fun games to pass the time in between poker sessions. Its where we’ve been hosting the Kings Cup all week long, a fun and free-to-enter challenge in three pub game disciplines: darts, table football (or fuss-ball if you prefer) and air hockey.

It’s been playing most afternoons with the field in each game gradually getting whittled down and tonight is final night, where the winners of all three games will be determined, each champion receiving a free entry into tomorrow’s €250 Poker Listings Cup. 

These are the match ups:


Toivo O vs Artur 

Air Hockey:

Vit R vs Vambola


Sven M, Scott K & Vambola (3-way final)

Come along, cheer on the competitors and join the famous Festival Series spirit.

Darts Final in the Kings Cup