
Mystery Bounty On First Break

Having decided to give the Seven Card Stud a miss, our Mixed Games Main Event Champion Sascha Manns has chosen to play the Mystery Bounty. After he took his seat Franke took this opportunity to present him with his winner’s drawing, which has now been found....albeit a little sketchy.

Franke and Sascha Manns with the Mixed Games winner's drawing

Today’s flight of the €300 Mystery Bounty is the last of the regular starting days, but there is one final turbo structured Day 1d on Wednesday, prior to the start of Day 2. There are ten levels for late registration and they will play until the end of level 18. At the first break of the day there were 154 entries, pushing the total number of entries up to 349.

Side Events

In other news, the Seniors ended up with 68 entries and they are down to the last two tables. The Seven Card Stud now has 28 players and there is one level left for late registration.

Tonight’s side event starts a little earlier than usual at 9pm and is a €125 PLO Knockout, with each bounty worth €50. There is also an €80 satellite to the Main Event, which has just started.

Blackjack Tournament Update

The Blackjack tournament is ongoing and so far over 60 players have taken part, with another three hours before the event concludes. It’s already by far the biggest blackjack tournament The Festival has ever staged and will get even bigger by the time registration closes at 23.30. Estonian fingers should be crossed for the next few hours as Maili Tannbaum leads the way with 29,000 while Mati Pirn lies in second with 28,000. The €5,000 guarantee has already been smashed.