
Yann Lormel Leaves in 5th Place for €20,200 + WSOPE ME Seat

Aces do look nice and they are almost always going to be a hand you will risk your tournament life with. Unfortunately for Frenchman Yann Lormel, they don’t always hold up, as was the case when he found himself all-in holding the A A versus Presiyan Tsvetanov’s A 2 . Presiyan had made the call, but Yann was still well in front on a flop of Q 6 8 . The turn brought the 5 giving Presiyan a flush draw and his luck was in when the 10 hit on the river.

Yann has been one of the more aggressive players in the latter stages of the tournament and was one of the top three stacks for much of the second day of the tournament. He continued to dominate today and went into the final table as the chip leader with over 10m chips. However his opponents on the final table started to play back at him and eventually he was punished for it.

Yann’s best ever score was also here in Rozvadov, in July 2022, when he took down the Dach Masters Open for €39,500.

Yann Lormel, 5th in the Main Event for €20,500 + WSOPE ME Seat