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  • The Festival Series meets; Aleksandr and ‘Marry Me, Joseph!’

The Festival Series meets; Aleksandr and ‘Marry Me, Joseph!’

The Festival Series meets; Aleksandr and ‘Marry Me, Joseph!’

We have some great news for all of you music fans out there! The man, the myth, the legend, Aleksandr of 24h Production is going to release a new single with his band ‘Marry Me, Joseph’! You might think, who on earth is this guy? Well, ladies and gentlemen, this young spirit is one of the key members of the video production department behind all the events of our Festival Series. It was about time we dragged him away from his computer and introduced him to the world, as we enjoy so much working with this and are incredibly thankful to have him in our team throughout our poker events. He is often the first one to arrive, and the last one to leave the battlefields, completing the editing of highlight videos, interviews, or any other production tasks. Outside his work for 24h Production, he is building up his music career!

The Festival: Hi Pljuw! A long-term dream coming true, interviewing you legend! You are working with us through 24h Production, but mostly you work behind the scenes. We thought it was about time to have you introduced to the world as you are in your own time part of a great music band. Let’s give it a go!

Hey! My name is Aleksandr (better known as Pljuw I guess!, and I play in a band called ‘’Marry Me, Joseph’’ (MMJ). Initially, the band was formed back in 2007 I believe, and had a different name, but I joined the guys in 2010 as their new drummer and that was the moment when the band got its iconic name. Straight after I joined the band we started to build our recording studio, where later on we proceeded with recording our first album in English. It was released on 24.12.2012 (the day some people expected it would be the end of the world :))

After the release we had a few shows here and there, did a mini tour within Baltic countries and then we just stopped doing anything, without any clear reason. Everyone moved on with their lives studying, working, etc..

Between 2013 and 2020 we did a few other music projects with the same guys from MMJ where some of them had quite good careers having a tour as a warm-up band for a well-known musical act called "Little Big". We did a tour through the Baltic countries with them playing in front of thousands of people.

But I guess at some point I realized that being a drummer wasn't enough for me to express what I wanted musically. Starting from 2020 I decided to invest lots of my time learning other instruments like keys, singing, and music production itself.

Even though I'm quite a music person having all kinds of music in my playlists (80's pop music to super underground electronic stuff), I still realized that my main passion is rock music with all of its energy.

In 2022 I already had quite a few songs written so I decided that it was time for Marry Me, Joseph to shine again. In August 2022 we released our new single "Save Me" and currently actively working on new material.

The Festival: That you are a Rockstar behind the microphone is one thing, but to be a rockstar behind the computer as well, producing basically everything related to The Festival Series is something people don’t always recognize. You work for 24h Production, a video-production company also owned by Franke. Can you share with us a bit more about that?

In 2016 I joined the "24h Production" company as an editor, working on various projects with Franke. I often had to be creative and take initiative, so with time I've learned the other aspects of the video production business. During years in 24h Production, I've become a "one-man band" learning how to do all the production from start to finish by myself (thanks to YouTube and my love for creative stuff :) )

With 24h Production, I had an opportunity to work on lots of festivals, needless to say, most of them were poker festivals (especially when the boss of the company have/had his poker festivals such as "The Cash Game Festival" and now "The Festival").

During those years of work and travel, I had a chance to meet with many amazing people from all over the world and see quite a lot of countries which I never considered as one of my destination points (which would have been a mistake).

Now we are getting ready to have a blast at "The Festival Bratislava" in November/December. if you still haven't visited one, that's the perfect opportunity to meet and experience The Festival at its best!

The Festival: You are releasing a new single today! A very good song with strong lyrics. What was behind these lyrics?

We just released a new single called "No Good" which I believe was one of the first demos I wrote as a music producer around two years ago.

During this period, this song changed quite drastically compared to how the first demo sounded. At some point, I realized that this music piece was complete and ready to be released.

This song reflects opinion on a very controversial topic; ‘’A lie’’. My own thoughts are that lies are one of the most destructive things in someone’s life, and often affect others usually not for the better.

Currently, we are polishing and preparing new releases, so that they will come out in their best possible shape.

The Festival: What are the future plans for ‘’Marry Me, Joseph’’? Are there any gigs planned for the coming period, which we can attend?

At the moment we working on our live shows. A good live show is a difficult process of preparation and work of many people (like the lights team, visuals, sound engineer etc.), so it takes quite a lot of time to put all the pieces together and also to polish all the material before we are ready to share it with others.

We want the person who comes to our shows to experience our music as it was intended to. And this winter we will perform on stage again!

Make sure to give them a follow on their social media channels, and check them out on YouTube and all other music related channels!

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